Zakat Fitrah

>> Monday, September 29, 2008

Today, in Australia, they'll be announcing whether Hari Raya falls tomorrow or the next day. So, a kindly reminder to all, don't forget to pay your Zakat Fitrah. I know some of us like to pay it on the morning of raya. Well, as long as we don't forget.

When I paid for my Zakat recently, I kinda forgot about the fact that it's different in Australia. Honestly I was half expecting to meet with a religious rep, sit down with him, make a lil' chit chat and then read the 'niat' before handing the money over.

Instead the scene was more or less like buying a raffle ticket.

The religious rep was standing by his table outside the Masjid.

He had a bunch of coupons lying on the table.

I went over and greeted him, he asked me which Zakat I wanted to pay(this is where I got stucked and just murmered "The one that I HAVE to pay?").

He showed me the Zakat Fitrah and asked me the quantity. I told him "5" and handed him the money.

He handed me the coupon and it was done.


Salihan September 30, 2008 at 5:36 AM  

Assalamualaikum! I'm a Singaporean Muslim woman recently moved to Australia. I was wondering why you said 5. Is it because there are 5 people in your household?

Lobo September 30, 2008 at 12:39 PM  

W'salam Salihan. Yeah. There's 5 in my household. My family plus my mom & sis in law. So where about in Aussie are you living?

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