
>> Thursday, September 18, 2008

well, i finally got around to take some pics on the food i was raving about.... pastas and desserts at villa mauri. there goes all my effort in the gym. how am is suppose to be slim enough to slip into my jeans with all that weight??? oh well anyways...

*the set up of the restaurant*

*salmon pizza*

*spagetti with mussels on a tomato base*

*home made ravioli*

*my plate of goodies*

*Fantasia D Maria - chocolate pudding with chocolate oozing out from the insides and a scoop of vanilla ice cream to finish it off...OOooOOoo!! *

*my sis and I - taking a pic before food arrives*

That was on a Monday. On wednesday, we decided to go for a steamboat at BerryWan HotPot in Gadong. Trying to be healthy. After that, we went to Villa Mauri (again) for their sinful desserts. As the pic below was taken during the aftermath...i did not have the time to take the desserts in their full glory as there were too many hungry mouths... even after all that 'wantan' and 'cuttlefish' 'noodles' and etc etc in Berrywan. We're hungry people.

At the top is their crepe in orange glaze. The middle is their panacotta and the bottom dish is their tiramisu...MMmmmmMMmm and that small right hand round dish was what was left of their famous 'Fantasia D Maria' dessert.. ( i get hungry just thinking about it)



Lobo September 19, 2008 at 1:10 AM  

Really Becs...U BETTER treat me, amal & your god daughter to all this when we get back ok. hahaha. *sigh* they all look so yummy...

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