I Miss Starbucks

>> Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I know it's a bit late for me to post this but darn it, I MISS Starbucks! It's been well over a month since all the 4 Starbuck outlets have closed down in Canberra. Plus, I don't think a 3 hour drive to Sydney will help 'cos lets face it...I'd have to be nuts to do that.

For those who are wondering why they closed down...and NO the answer is not simply because Canberra is 'boring', it's because of the economy around the ACT has been in a slump as of late. Actually, Starbucks closed 61 outlets throughout Australia. With rising fuel prices(or more like unpredictable) and a rise in grocery prices, people are eating out less. If they do go out to eat, they eat less. Like if they usually order two courses, now they just order one. So unless the economy turns for the better, we're gonna expect other cafe's to follow suit. What will be next? Krispy Kreme? Where will I go for my Strawberries & Creme??? *sobs*


Becca September 27, 2008 at 9:41 AM  

mi, i remember when i was in perth there's starbucks at every corner! there were men in suits there too wooooooo too bad. canberra is boring after all hahhahaha :P

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