it is...

>> Saturday, September 27, 2008

...saturday morning and i'm at work. killing some time in the office with my notebook. i was eating out for the last two in sheraton for their sungkai buffet and last nite at Palm Cafe where their chef is reputed to be one of the best.... she used to work in JP. well...more on those wheni get the pics up and running. i wonder why are my posts usually on food? huahua

on the other note, snowie's not been herself lately. the usual loving and playful kitten (or cat??) has turned ugly with her claws out, teeth baring and hissing. so bad that my other half have taken to the belt, to "train" her, was how he puts it (cos she scratched him till he bled) but it totally tore my heart and i was sobbing the nite away. snowie is ok but i think it's the time of the month where she PMS hahaha here's a pic taken back in february where she was only 2 months old...

*everybody now!! Awwwwwwwwwwww soooo cuteeeeee*


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