Alisha Dhaniyah

>> Saturday, August 23, 2008

I might as well start of my blog with the latest addition to our family. Being away from our country hasn't been the highlight in our marriage. But the arrival of our daughter has made life a bit more bearable and being a stay home dad does have its benefit, I get to spend more time with her.

Having my wife work here has also been a blessing in disguise. I say this because of the medical facility that was available throughout her pregnancy up till the birth of our baby. Not that I have any experience in this area, but my brothers have kids if that counts.

Normally, in Brunei, during labour only the husband or maybe the mother are allowed to go in the labour room. My wife had me, my sis-in-law and a friend of the family by her side. It was so cool!! To all the would be fathers out not miss your child's birth. It's a beautiful experience. I cried when the baby came out (whoscares!)

Though, there was duh moment on my part when the baby came out. I forgot to ready the bloody camera(wait)...and then while running to get it on the nearby table, I stood there fixated on the umbilical cord attached to the baby. It's like one of those things that even when you see it, it takes a few seconds for your brain to accept what you're seeing. And I wanted to take a pic of the umbilical cord instead!! Gross? Not really. The moment my eyes saw Alisha, I forgot about everything in that room. A sense of euphoria if you will. :)


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