Illegal Taxis

>> Sunday, October 12, 2008

I read this piece of article on Brudirect. The title is obvious. What surprised me was that it has became 'rampant' as of late. I remember illegal taxis or 'taxi sapu' was quite an issue a few years back.

The article is here.

Back then the story was more focused on legal taxi drivers vs illegal taxi drivers. I know most of us don't use public transportation but still there is a small percentage that does. It also got me thinking about why people would be willing to go in these illegal taxis. I'm sure none of us would be willing to do it overseas. So, why should we be willing to do it in our own country. Think of the implications of stepping into one. First and foremost would be safety. I know that companies running the transportation business needs to take up insurance for the drivers and the passengers. Second is the condition of their vehicles. Just how safe is the ride you're riding in?

And what if the law catches up to you? Is it really worth it?


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