How was your first day of Hari Raya?

>> Wednesday, October 1, 2008

First and foremost to our readers back home in Brunei, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin.

For me, the day started out as usual, attending the Eid prayer at the Canberra Mosque. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out, although it was quite chilly around 6a.m. (i think around 6 deg). The prayer started at 8a.m. and the attendance was overwhelming.

I decided to sit outside(but of course its another way of saying I was late)

Some brothers laid out new canvases as more brothers arrived

And it didn't take long for it to be filled up

After the prayer, the brothers 'socialize' as the imam has put it. Sweets and hot drinks were distributed. In Brunei we usually just go straight home.

So after that, I went home to be with my family. Since it's the first time celebrating Raya abroad for me and my family, we went out. To the shops. LoL. You can't do that back home on the first day. Hehe.

Have a wonderful Hari Raya!!!


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