Flash Mob

>> Thursday, June 18, 2009

I just read this over at Senor Pablo's blog. It's a flash mob organized by Ben Stone & Friends. I've been following this type of event lately as more and more people are doing it. I think its great that one is being organized in Brunei. It's just one of those things I'd love to participate just to see people's reaction.

There was one such event held by Nuffnang for Singapore bloggers. You can read it here. It wasn't a success or failure at the same time. The thing with flash mob is that they are suppose to be planned and executed with minimal media coverage. The aim could be for anything from experimental to creating awareness to promoting creativity. The amount of people participating has to be a lot I guess, hence the word 'mob'. The problem with the Singapore blogger's flash mob is that a majority of them are very well known. Thus when they blogged about it, the media was also reading and preparing for it as well. This took out the surprise element.

Anyway I salute the guys organizing it and I can't wait to read or watch it(if it's available). In the meantime here are 2 of my fav flash mob organized in the U.S. I'm sure you've all seen the first video. Cheers.


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